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Sayfa içindekiler

The Return of the Native / Stage 5 KİTAP AÇIKLAMASI

When Clym, the native of Egdon Heath, returns to his homeland from Paris he finds himself in love with a native girl named Eustacia. She is the lover of Wildeve, but Wildeve is stuck between two women—the wild, beautiful Eustacia and the courteous Thomasin. But then, Wildeve marries with Thomasin while Eustacia marries with Clym in the hope of moving to Paris. Neither of the marriages satisfies, the mother of Clym and the aunt of Thomasin, Mrs. Yeobright. After a while, tragic events occur and the lives of the characters change permanently. Egdon Heath makes some of the characters happy and becomes their friend while making the others depressed and becomes their enemy. At the end, who will be able to cope with the nature and survive?

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