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Sayfa içindekiler
Crossing Our "Pettus Bridge" Students with Disabilities in the Postsecondary Education Context KİTAP AÇIKLAMASI
For a society to be truly inclusive, the principles and spirit of Social Justice must be the essence of its culture which reflects democracy and equity upon all its institutions. In Higher Education, this will be evident as Universal Design for Living and Learning is adopted and embedded as a core belief through harmonious and consistent implementation within its coordinated units and services, and the continuous review of its effectiveness and adaptability.
The creation and sustainability of an inclusive culture is only possible, as was witnessed in the history of the Pettus Bridge, through acts of fearless leadership, a strong sense of fellowship that was forged by shared struggle and sacrifice, and the realization by other members of society that this injustice could no longer be allowed…culminating in the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
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