Managerial Skills in The Wind of Management and Change in The 21St Century Business World kitabını Türkçe olarak Farklı dillerdeki kitaplar Kategorisi altında PDF olarak indirebilirsiniz. Ayrıca arşivlerinden PDF, ePUB, Rar ve Zip formatlarında da indirebilir online olarak okuyabilirsiniz.
Sayfa içindekiler
Managerial Skills in The Wind of Management and Change in The 21St Century Business World KİTAP AÇIKLAMASI
In this study, which emerged after scientific research, it is explained the skills sought in employees and managers with change management and modern management techniques in the business world that has evolved with the influence of global problems. Then, data, method and results of field research conducted to embody the information, media and technology skills, technological system usability and the impact network, path and degrees of technology acceptance that affect the productivity of enterprises to achieve their ultimate goals are presented. In the period of the study, the economies of the countries experienced contractions due to both the global migration problem and Covid-19 and faced the most destructive effect of the last few centuries. Countries experiencing social trauma, have had to close their borders for a long time and had to go to the highest level of alert for crisis management. In other words, countries in economic, social and cultural difficulties have seen pessimistic days, civilized, developed and democratic appearance in peace and tranquility period was removed, strict rules came into play, cities were looted and places were set on fire while protests were exhibited, democracies were shelved and people were unemployed due to businesses being closed for a long time…
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