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Social, Human and Administrative Sciences kitabını Türkçe olarak Farklı dillerdeki kitaplar Kategorisi altında PDF olarak indirebilirsiniz. Ayrıca arşivlerinden PDF, ePUB, Rar ve Zip formatlarında da indirebilir online olarak okuyabilirsiniz.

Sayfa içindekiler

Social, Human and Administrative Sciences KİTAP AÇIKLAMASI

This book brings together researchers in the social sciences and humanities, encouraging looking from a different perspective and thinking deeply. Thus, it offers the opportunity to understand and appreciate different aspects of the world.
This elegant work, supported by all our authors with great efforts and international research; this work, which will shed light on those who are interested and curious about the field of social sciences and humanities, consists of 6 chapters.
In the first part of the work; it discusses the interaction of technology and leadership and guides leaders on how to act. In the second part; it examines the sociological problems faced by women’s cooperatives. Employment and income for women in Turkey will provide guidance regarding the need for women’s social empowerment. In the third part of the book; the behavior of tourists in generation Y and sustainable tourist behavior are discussed. In the fourth part; the economic importance of green beans, which are widely consumed, is mentioned. Information is given about foreign trade and marketing of bean production in Turkey and the world. The fifth chapter will guide organizations’ processes to achieve their sustainability goals and inspire future research. The last chapter contains information about fixed and variable expenses, where cost accounting is a very important management tool in the printing industry, and which companies can develop strategies to reduce costs and increase profitability.
I wish you pleasant reading.
– Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elif URAL

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